Neuro-diversity, a body-mind problem and Descartes

 In the 17th Century Rene Descartes, in defining the difference between human and non-human animals argued that humans had minds and bodies and non-human animals had only bodies. This led to a whole number of so-called mind-body problems, a key one being how the body and the mind related to each other. Many now consider this to be simply wrong headed.

It is this dischotomizing which has created, in handlng seemingly intractable problems, two further problems: one can be labelled a root problem and the other a meta-problem. The root problem exists at essentially the individual level, while the meta-problem exists at the societal level.

The phrase ‘the tip of the iceberg’ applies to all presenting problems, which for those seeking ‘simple’ solutions, creates an additonal obstacle to accepting a treatment programme. In short; problems lie within other problems but fortunately, not ad infinitum !

The root and meta problem: the writing / wright hand mis-match and self identity issues

‘Diagnosing’ the consequences of the mis-match between the writing and wright hand:, which affects the sense of self and self efficacy.

Mind-Body Mismatch

Institutional Inertia

Path to Discovery

Awareness and Advocacy

Treatment and Implications

Identification and Support